Skype Chat Function

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  • #28839


    is there a way to change the Skype social icon from the Call-to function to the Chat-to function?

    Thanks a lot,



    I wish there was a way to change skype social callto:// to chat function.
    It would really help to have that. Hope someone find a way to implement it.


    I found a solution to this. Go to appearance then editor. Select the Nirvana theme to edit and from templates on the right side select sanitize.php

    Find the section which begins /*** 2 ***/
    then the first line after /*** 2 ***/ there should be a line like this.
    $cryout_special_terms = array(‘mailto:’,’callto://’, ‘tel:’);

    replace callto:// with skype:<yourskypename>?chat
    and in yourskypename insert the skype name of your choise without <>.

    like this for example

    after you are done save it.

    the whole line should look like this

    $cryout_special_terms = array(‘mailto:’,’skype:thisiswhereyournameshouldbe?chat’, ‘tel:’);

    hope this helps.

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