Search result page title at top of the browser

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  • #72966

    Here’s the issue we’re having on my client’s site..

    She wanted search results to open in a new page/tab, so we set it up that way.
    We are using the AJAX Search Pro search plugin instead of the default.
    I already reached out to the plugin developer, and he says the issue is theme related and not the AJAX Search Pro plugin.

    The problem..
    When a search is submitted, the search itself works fine.
    However, by looking at this screenshot you’ll see the issue.

    The page title of the search results page displays “Home” – and she wants it to say “Search Results” instead.
    The issue

    I am using a child theme, so I tried entering the following code to the child theme’s functions.php (code that I found online -I am not a PHP programmer)..

     * Modify the document title for the search page
    add_filter( 'document_title_parts', function( $title )
        if ( is_search() ) 
            $title['title'] = sprintf( 
                esc_html__( 'Search Results', 'my-theme-domain' ), 
        return $title;
    } );
     * Modify the page part of the document title for the search page
    add_filter( 'document_title_parts', function( $title ) use( &$page, &$paged )
        if ( is_search() && ( $paged >= 2 || $page >= 2 ) && ! is_404() ) 
            $title['page'] = sprintf( 
                esc_html__( 'Search Results', 'my-theme-domain' ), 
                max( $paged, $page ) 
        return $title;
    } );

    But this didn’t work.
    So I removed it from the child theme when I found it was not working.

    Have you any suggestions?

    Thank you.


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Page (and section titles in general) are handled by WordPress. If you’re looking to customize theme, you should try a SEO plugin (Yoast has such a feature).

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