Post Images

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  • #24237

    Hi there,

    Thanks again for your excellent theme! I hope you can help me with a post image catch-22.

    1. I know a post requires a feature image to show on the presentation page, but then it shows a tiny image in the full post. I need my images to be about 300 wide or tall (depending on orientation).

    2. When I additionally embed an image into the post (so it’s the right size in the full post), excerpts display two identical images. I can scrap excerpts on the Presentation Page, but a category search, for example, will still render a page of excerpts, which will look wonky.

    Is there a way to change the featured image size that populates in the full post?

    How do you recommend I proceed, please?

    Thank you for your help!


    I am very interested in this as well. My only fault with the theme is the lack of featured images on post pages.


    FYI, I received this response from Cryout Creations:



    “1. I know a post requires a feature image to show on the presentation page, but then it shows a tiny image in the full post. I need my images to be about 300 wide or tall (depending on orientation). ”
    – The themes have options to control featured image size. But you’ll need to regenerate all images already uploaded and set on posts – there’s a plugin for this, I believe named “Images regenerate”.

    “2. When I additionally embed an image into the post (so it’s the right size in the full post), excerpts display two identical images. I can scrap excerpts on the Presentation Page, but a category search, for example, will still render a page of excerpts, which will look wonky.”
    – This is not normal behaviour and we’d need to see a site to further investigate.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Zed. Reason: removed email in text to avoid spam
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