I have been using W3C for some time and experienced some issues I just discovered here in the forums…home page slider missing, some pages not displaying correctly. They seem to resolve when plugin is deactivated then reactivated.
Here is one error message: Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File “/home1/happyhs5/public_html/wp-content/themes/pub/minileven/js/small-menu.js” doesn’t exist.”
And its companion email almost daily: “Unfortunately, an error occurred while creating the minify cache. Please check your settings to ensure your site is working as intended.”
Tempera and W3C are the latest version. Sadly I’m not an expert and prefer not to alter the code files. Does anyone know a settings workaround or an alternate more compatible caching plugin which helps streamline the site? Thanks in advance,
Lisa @ HHG