tempera settings

  • Author
  • #34886
    Theresa Crater

    the tempera settings page on my dashboard is blank. help!

    Gina Calabro

    I am having the same problem after running the update. I already have the Cryout Serious Theme Settings plugin activated. What else can I do?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Theresa, please see this post.

    Gina, how is the settings page looking with the plugin active? Do you see the section titles?

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
    Theresa Crater


    Ans van de Westelaken

    After the update I can nothing with my website.
    not only adjust color background color page.
    I can not set the page width
    Header can not be adjusted.
    fonts are gone
    I can not adjust my layout no longer works again.

    During the update settings have changed my website

    can you help me please
    Greeting Ans

    guilherme cassiano

    obrigado , deu certo estalando plugin.

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