January 16th, 2014 at 19:46 #16012
I configured Tempera on one server and then moved the site to another. Everything seemed to work right except the theme. it was the 0.9.2 version at that point. The settings were in the database but only the defaults were read by the system. I could not modify anything or import new settings. Everytime I clicked save or import Tempera said it was succesful but still the settings did not change.I tried to update and then reinstall Tempera but both options failed. I still cannot save or read my custom settings.
Can you help?
January 17th, 2014 at 13:26 #16040Lathea
As a workaround I edited the default.php file in tempera/admin folder. But I need the Slider to be editable by other users so it would be best if I could make the settings work somehow using the database.
January 25th, 2014 at 16:24 #20383Kay
Cryout Creations mastermindHi!
You may have some new faulty pluings installed on the new server. Please disable all plugins and try to edit and save some settings then.
Before posting consider reading our short theme debugging instructions.
Please read the FAQs: Mantra • Nirvana • Parabola • Tempera
Tutorials: custom menus • translating theme • installing theme • category page with intro • disabling comments Wordpress: child themes • categories/posts
Before making any modifications to your theme we strongly recommend using Child Themes.February 4th, 2014 at 13:50 #21515Lathea
No new plugins were installed after moving the site.Best regards,
AnnaApril 28th, 2014 at 07:26 #25032sharma chelluri
This is one of the big issue with tempera. I am experiencing the same.
May 19th, 2014 at 02:25 #25443Arpit Agarwal
Have you found any fix?
I am facing the same issueMay 24th, 2014 at 00:20 #25538Frankie
I have just completed a project for a client using Tempura. When I moved it to the client’s server, all Tempura settings reverted to default. Another half day’s work to reset them all, and client is upset that his site has “disappeared”. I downloaded settings but upload doesn’t work.
May 24th, 2014 at 02:17 #25539Frankie
I had the same problem. A bit heartbreaking after all those hours of work. Glad to know it wasn’t just me being stupid anyway.
June 12th, 2014 at 10:03 #25729Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindDid you update all database URL records to the new URL after the move?
http://codex.wordpress.org/Moving_WordPress#When_Your_Domain_Name_or_URLs_ChangeIf you like our creations, help us share by rating them on WordPress.org.
Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.July 14th, 2014 at 02:18 #26093Bitfire
I had the same problem when moving my tempera-themed wp site from test.xyz.tld to xyz.tld, by replacing all URLs in the DB-dump. Intriguingly, when moving it from test.xyz.tld to prod.xyz.tld in the same way, it worked without problems. The reason is found on the codex-page posted by Zed above:
“Changing Your Domain Name and URLs
If you do a search and replace on your entire database to change the URLs, you can cause issues with data serialization, due to the fact that some themes and widgets store values with the length of your URL marked. When this changes, things break.”The post names three solutions. I used the second (search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases) which worked like a charm.
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