October 28th, 2020 at 15:27 #108590
Hi, Working on this site for a client, I was building a new page and the header image was not displaying correctly so I ran Force Regenerate Thumbnails and the site broke. Only a few things stopped working:
– the Logo was gigantic and I had to replace it with an actual size logo
– the Facebook icon in the main nav moved
– the overlay on the Serious Slider disappeared
– the width of the Content Areas disappeared and is now 100% width
– the background color on the text area disappeared
– the NEWS (blog posts) page, all the images disappeared
– the background on the “back to top” button is gone
– the button on the annual report page changed colorOn the admin side:
– the WP Mail SMTP plugin changed back to default (Bizarre)The biggest concern is just getting the layout and images back! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, kevin
Website: SpiritAligned.org
October 28th, 2020 at 15:53 #108591More info – I don’t know if it’s helpful.
On the admin side:
– the customizer is not working. When I make certain adjustments, like toggle GENERAL > SOCIAL ICONS, the preview disappears.
– also the search in the main menu doesn’t work anymoreamong other stuff I’m sure. Other useful info:
– Hosted at GoDaddy
– I’ve deleted and reinstalled my child theme (doesn’t seem to make a difference)
– I’ve turned off all my plugins, no changeWhat is going on? I don’t get it. Thanks for your help. kevin
Website: SpiritAligned.org
October 28th, 2020 at 20:04 #108597OK, so I just installed a backup version of the site and all is back to normal. I’m going to install the site on my own server and see if I can replicate the problem and report back. Thanks. kevin
November 2nd, 2020 at 23:54 #108766Zed
Cryout Creations mastermindIf the current site is the backed-up working copy, there are still some critical markup errors that can break the layout and cause unexpected rendering problems: https://validator.w3.org/nu/?doc=https%3A%2F%2Fspiritaligned.org%2F
I cannot say if or why these would aggravate after a thumbnails regeneration, though.
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