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  • #64074

    Since the last update of the SEPTERA THEME, the messages of the COOKIES PLUGINS disappear. The theme only show the title (or “more info text”) and the button ACCEPT, but not the message (“notification text”).

    I have tried with several plugins (Cookie Consent, GDPR Cookie Consent, Cookie Compliance, Cookie Notice…), but the result is the same.


    I have the same issue. I have tried multiple plugins as well.


    Confirmed: the issue is only in Septera theme running on chrome, edge and opera. The message shows fine in Firefox.

    In Kahuna theme, the message is displayed not good but acceptable in all browsers.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Could we browse the sites where this is happening?

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    Not using any ad blockers – happens in Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari.
    Have tried multiple Cookie Notifications – currently using EU Cookie Law


    This reply is private.

    More checks: probably, the problem is not the different browsers.

    The full texts of the cookie plugin only appear in the administrator profile, but visitors do not see them.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    It looks like the plugin is using the “toTop” ID on one of the elements. The same ID is also used by the theme for its ‘back-to-top’ button. This causes styling intended for the theme button to apply to the plugin’s element as well.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Zed.

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    Last update of Septera ( fix the issue about cookie plugins text in four browsers: edge, firefox, chrome and opera. Thanks a lot! because is a fantastic theme.


    All set with the latest update – thank you.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Thank you for letting us know things work correctly now 🙂

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    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
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