search results showing excerpts using Relevanssi plugin

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  • #12786

    HI, I’m really pretty much of a newbie, and don’t know php but in my Parabola based site I have a page that is a list of providers/services. I need viewers to be able to search this list. The WP search wasn’t bringing good results to I installed the plugin Relevanssi. The problem I’m having is any search returns the whole page, not the line in the page where the search term occurs. The developer of Relevanssi looked at the search.php file for Parabola and wrote this:

    “The way the posts are printed out is here:

    get_template_part( ‘content/content’, get_post_format() );

    So, it is defined somewhere else. Maybe your theme has a setting that lets you choose whether search results page shows exceprts or full posts?”

    So, my question is, where are the search results being defined so that I can get excerpts?
    Thank you so much.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You cannot set posts to excerpts on the search results only. The post excerpt setting is for category, archive and search results together.

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