Removing Parabola advertising from slider on presentation page

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  • #12500
    Peter Kal

    I want to remove the Parabola advertising from the slider on the presentation page. You know, where it says, ‘Parabola, the best of all worlds,’ etc. How might I be able to do this? I haven’t found anything in Parabola settings.

    Jim King

    Hi Peter

    Go to Parabola Settings > Presentation Page the information you want to remove is within Slides 1 to 5 they are pre-filled with Image, Title, Text and Link. Basically just go through each one and delete the info and replace with your own information (Images, links, titles etc.)

    I hope this helps.


    Peter Kal

    Thanks Jim,

    Your advice didn’t help I’m afraid as I think the advertising words are embedded in the image. I think the only way to remove the words is if you remove the image, which is not what I want. Would you have any further suggestions?

    Thanks and regards,



    Ah OK, I didn’t realise that you wanted to retain the image but just lose the wording. Yes they would have taken an image and added a text layer to it. I guess you’ll need the theme creators to point you in the direction of the original image source.



    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The demo images are provided as samples. You’re supposed to replace them with your own images 🙂

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
    Peter Kalogeratos

    That’s fine, except that any image I choose will not look as good as the originals. I have tried installing alternative images but they don’t match properly in terms of resolution and size, and looking around to find the right matches will drive me crazy. I chose Parabola because as it is, it’s perfect for me. Any chance that the original images without the advertising can be sent to

    I am happy to ‘buy you a coffee.’ as is said at cryout creations.

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Zed. Reason: edited email to avoid email scanners

    any images with dimension of w 1050 x h 350 should fit it perfectly.

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