Parabola header

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  • #25626

    Hi everybody,

    I’m new to the parabola theme, and I’ve got some issues with the header. Here’s what I’d like to do:

    – Remove the bacground color (white on my site) so the page background image can de visible

    – I have a background image for the header, but it’s limited to 1050x100px. I’d like it to have the same width as the background. Is that possible?

    Here’s my website:

    Thanks to all who can help me 🙂


    To change the bg color settings, strangely enough it’s actually in the color settings.
    Appearance >> Parabola settings >> Color settings >> Site title > Background

    Just take out the white color and that will solve your second question as well.


    strangely enough just changing the header background to white will not make the header image the same widge as the site background.

    I’d love to be able to fill the entire header masthead with one image that sits behind to tabs and reaches all the way to the edges o the website, like the main background does. So I tried removing #FFFFF from the color scheme. nope, still didnt RESIZE the header logo masthead to fill in the entire area.

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