'Older Posts' Button on Presentation Page

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  • #12618

    I’m using post excerpts on my presentation page, but the excerpts are limited to 12 on the page. There is no “Older Posts” button or any way to click back through the older posts from that page. Is there any way to add a button like that or have it load more excerpts when you scroll down?

    Mayako Rinalee

    I have the same probleme with my website :/.


    Only solution I found was moving the “custom text 4” field to the bottom of the page and put a text linking the page with the “blog template”. Just edit the /parabola/frontpage.php file and put this line at the very bottom (and remove the original).

    if($parabola_fronttext4) {?><div id=”front-text3″>

    <?php echo do_shortcode($parabola_fronttext4) ?>

    </div><?php }

    Then you can edit text from the admin settings


    PS: I know, child themes should be used ๐Ÿ˜›


    Bad formatting ๐Ÿ™‚ Trying again:

    if($parabola_fronttext4) {?><div id="front-text3">
            <?php echo do_shortcode($parabola_fronttext4) ?>
    </div><?php }

    “pre” tags also doesnn’t work ๐Ÿ™ But you copy the idea, isn’t it?

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