How to get Shortcodes into Columns

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  • #12498

    First of all let me say how fantastic this theme is , it is just what i have been looking for. But I’m having one problem. I saw the question on how to get videos into the columns and the answer was to embed a shortcode using a plugin. I am trying to do that with a slide show. My plugin has a shortcode [ihrss-gallery type=”GROUP1″ w=”308″ h=”201″ speed=”2″ bgcolor=”#000000″ gap=”4″ random=”NO”] which if I insert it into the text area below the column does play there but I want to play it in the column itself. Is this possible? I tried embedding an iframe and it did work but it pushed the column title to the top of the column and made the grey shading disappear. So theoretically it should work with some tweaking? Please? I really would love to be able to do this. Thanks

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