Commentation System Trouble

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  • #21782
    Eleventh Hour Correction

    Hello, i love your theme parabola, in my opinion it’s the best cms theme with all the features you can possibly ever want. However, i have a problem, and i’m not sure if it is with WordPress or Parabola, but i can’t see the section at the bottom of the page where you usually ‘comment’, like in this box down at the bottom of the page I’m currently typing in the comment box. My page is not a page where it’s like this just consisting of comments, but having some content at the top of the page, eg video, and having the comments at the bottom of the page where you can scroll in it’s own box and the ‘create new comment’ underneath.
    The only way i can comment is through the admin back-end on commenting on the page,
    thanks in advance.

    Eleventh Hour Correction

    Can some one please find a solution real quick because my website is being help up at the moment,
    thank you.

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