Using WP4.6.1 with Event Espresso hosted with InMotion. Theme is Parabola v2.0.4 & Shortcodes Ultimate v4.9.9
Using various shortcodes both on WP pages and within pages generated by Event Espresso.
wp_footer tag is in the theme’s footer.php file, theme index file has no “body” before which to install the wp_footer.
Following installation of a Comodo SSL purchased & installed through InMotion sliders, accordions, tabs have all stopped functioning.
This affects our homepage as well as other pages –
Seems to be a consistent problem across browsers & Win & Mac OS.
Using Chrome’s JS error console it refers us to:
frontend.js:13 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).masonry is not a function
frontend.js:117 Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(…).masonry is not a function
Please assist, thank you
This topic was modified 8 years ago by