Problem changing SITE ADDRESS

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  • #30877

    Hi, thanks for your wonderful theme.. great job!
    But I’m having a very big problem trying to change the path of SITE ADDRESS.
    I’ve installed WordPress in a “/wp” folder, but that cause my website to be displayed” in the url.. and I want to avoid this horrible thing!

    I’d like to obtain

    I’ve followed this guide
    with other themes and wordpress installations and all worked as expected, but with Parabola I’m having issues related ONLY to the home page page, which is the so-called PRESENTATION PAGE.

    After I’ve completed the procedure of wpBeginner linked above, all my pages are correctly re-addressed to the right path [ as EXCEPT for the home page, it still points to

    So, I ask you: is there any extra procedure or trick to get my PRESENTATION PAGE works changing the site address?

    To avoid a broken PRESENTATION PAGE, I’ve restored my site address to the original one = so now you should see everything works.

    Thanks in advance, Luciano – Italy

    Cryout Creations mastermind


    If moving WordPress from one host to another or simply switching URLs on the same host, I recommend following the Codex tutorial provided by WordPress:

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