Mobile Hamburger Menu Drop Downs Issue

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  • #146368


    I’m having an issue on Mobile with the hamburger menu.

    If I were to have three drop down menu parents in the order A, B and C…

    I can open menu parent C and see its contents. I may then want to open the menu parent B which is above C, this will automatically close menu parent C to the open B, which is great. This works for anything above the current open parent item.

    However, if I start with a higher parent such as A or B and then try to open one below it such as parent C, I don’t receive the same result. Instead, the current menu will close, the new menu will then open but close straight away. Sometimes clicking on a link below the menu.

    I’ve removed all custom css before writing this and I get the same result. I have tried this using the dev tools on edge and chrome (with mobile view) and chrome and safari on an iphone.

    Is this a known issue with a particular version of the theme or wordpress?

    I can replicate the issue on when toggling between the ‘Page Layouts’ and ‘Dropdown Menus’ parent items. But I can’t replicate the issue on the menus within the ‘Dropdown Menus’ menu.

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