Main Site Background Color Wrong

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  • #36724

    I have the Main Site Background color set to #000000 which is black. The content color is tan which works fine. The black background used to be fine but now it’s white even though it’s set to black. When I refresh the page, the black shows up briefly but ends up white. I’ve tested other colors in the Parabola settings and they seem to be responding correctly. This seems to have started with the new update but I’m not sure.


    Additional information:

    The black site background is on my iPad and my iPhone – the fonts I’ve chosen don’t show up but I don’t really care about that. Why would the iPad/iPhone be black and not the laptop?

    Does this mean that other people would see the black background on their laptop?

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I believe we’ve discussed this via support. I cannot reproduce this problem on my devices and since even you see site correctly on some devices, the issue may be limited to your browser.

    Can you test with a different browser on the laptop?

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