'texture' in content background

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  • #35368
    Jeff Dickey-Chasins

    Is there any way to make the content background either ‘texturized’ or an image (which would allow the same thing)? As far as I can tell, you have to simply pick a web color but can’t ‘treat’ it in any way. (i.e., something like this for content background: http://www.pixeden.com/graphic-web-backgrounds/subtle-light-tile-pattern-vol5 )

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    You can change anything related to appearance with custom styling:

    body #main {
        background-image: url("http://www.pixeden.com/media/k2/galleries/165/001-subtle-light-pattern-background-texture-vol5.jpg");
        background-repeat: repeat;

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