First,I thank you for such a wonderful theme.
I’m not good at English,sorry.
I’ve problem slider on presentation page;every image duplicates on any browser,I’ve a problem only when I narrow the width of the browser.
I tried that I stopped all plug-in,but I still have same problem.
You use some kind of caching/cdn service, making images load from a separate location (with a custom URL path). We’ve noticed before such usage creates issues in the Nivo Slider that our themes use.
Try to exclude the slider images from this caching/CDN service.
Thank you so much!
I did not check HTML of the front page some other time, it was made a good study.
I reviewed the setting of the server and after turning ”mod_pagespeed” off, seemed to be improved.
I look at the state for a while.
I’m really grateful to you.
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