Disable Hover Effect on Images

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  • #35702

    When I upload images onto my pages it produces a hover effect when the mouse goes over them.
    How do/can I disable/stop this?

    I’ve tried removing the link url and pasted the following code:

    element {
    #content img.alignleft:hover, #content img.alignright:hover, #content img.aligncenter:hover, #content img.alignnone:hover, #content .wp-caption img:hover {
    opacity: unset;

    using “simple custom css” app but it does not do anything for me.
    Any suggestions?

    Thank you

    Cryout Creations mastermind


    #pp-afterslider img.alignleft:hover, #pp-afterslider img.alignright:hover, 
    #pp-afterslider img.aligncenter:hover, #pp-afterslider img.alignnone:hover, 
    #content img.alignleft:hover, #content img.alignright:hover, #content img.aligncenter:hover, 
    #content img.alignnone:hover, #content .wp-caption img:hover { 
          opacity: 0.99; }

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