I have recently developed a test site for a client of my company. Everything on the site looks ok in mobile view (in this case, an Iphone 5s) with the exception of the product pages (I am using WooCommerce since this is an e-commerce site). The mobile view on the category pages looks a little screwed up instead of each product filling out the page (and having to swipe down to get to the next product), it views as 2 columns, a product on each edge of the screen. Also the header and footer are not sizing correctly for these product pages, they appear left aligned, so there is a gap between the page and the edge of the screen. I’m definitely not a web design expert, especially mobile design, but if anyone has any suggestions on how to fix this by updating my custom css, I can do that.
An example would be: http://test.fineartsapparel.com/index.php/product-category/button-down-shirts/…if you look at it on an phone you’ll definetly see what I’m talking about. Thanks in advance!