Breadcrumbs problem

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  • #36245


    I have been struggling for days to fix my breadcrumbs, and I am still unsure if I can ask you or if this is a woocommerce breadcrums issue (but if I try to edit the woocommerce breadcrums or add woocommerce breadcrumbs functions in the woocommerce breadcrumbs.php to edit my problem, nothing happens. I have created a child theme that I am using for all my wrongdoings).
    My breadcrumbs displays the following: House Icon > Produkt (meaning product)> product category > product
    I have no idea why the breadcrumbs displays Produkt instead of shop or, what would be more correct in my case; products (as I have “named” my shop page products and have used this as the shop base, and the permalinks is set up to use the shop base).
    My permalinks all display correctly, but somehow this doesn’t transfer to the breadcrumbs, they are still stuck and showing House Icon > Produkt (product) when I enter into one of the product categories. (the breadcrums changes correctly if I go to one of my pages).

    Do you know if there is a function I can use to get this Produkt part right? (Or if it is a woocommerce problem, where should I add the woocommerce function – perhaps I have tried editing/pasting the function in the wrong php?

    I really hope you can help me with this as I would like to be able to use your breadcrumbs as I think they look definitively best with the theme (Nirvana – which is a great theme by the way!). But as they are now, they don’t make any sense. Oh, yes, and if I go to a product and then use the breadcrumb path (meaning Produkt) to go back, it takes me to the correct destination which is the shop page (/products)

    I will be extremely grateful for any help or advice you can give me!

    Kind Regards

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The breadcrumbs are generated by WordPress (or WooCommerce on its sections).

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