Before Content and After Content Areas do not appear to work

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  • #28894

    Wondering if these two features for widgets are not yet complete. I would like to add a slideshow widget above my content on different pages but none of the widgets appear in the before content or after content widget areas when applied.

    Thoughts? I am running on a dev box right now as a possible website implementation in the next few months.



    Have you tried text widgets to check if they work?. Maybe the problem is with slideshow widget you want to show in this place?


    Sorry to switch usernames on you. It is Michael here. Yes it appears that the number of widgets I tried were all incompatible…..the standards work however and I have found an alternative that works. Sorry about the trouble.

    Thanks for the response!



    i have the same problem. content in these two areas (before and after content) will not be shown. i have no idea if this is the best solution, but the following works for me:

    add_filter(‘cryout_forbottom_hook’, ‘insert_widget_before_content’);
    function insert_widget_before_content(){
    if ( is_active_sidebar( ‘above-content-widget-area’ ) ) {
    echo ‘<div id=”sidebar-before-content” class=”widget-area”><ul class=”xoxo”>’;
    dynamic_sidebar( ‘above-content-widget-area’ );
    echo ‘</div>’;

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Better late than never 😀

    The above/below content widget areas will be added to all page templates in the next round of themes updates.

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