Buddypress forum textarea is too small

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  • #31654
    Jeannie Pitt

    I hope this would be considered a bug and I’ve posted in the right place. This was working great with the Tempera theme, but we’ve changed to Nirvana and we’re encountering a problem with the buddypress forums text area, the place to enter your forum post, is showing up as one line with no clickable way to enter text. I’ve checked in Chrome and Firefox and this issue is present. It is NOT present in IE, nor is it present with the default theme. In IE and default theme all looks as it should. I wish I was proficient enough with CSS to just fix this for my client, but alas…

    Can you tell me where and what code I would need to get this working so my client can keep the Nirvana theme?

    Thank you in advance!

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    This sounds like an issue we’ve fixed for the upcoming 1.0.6.
    If you’re still seeing this after installing the next update, let us know.

    PS: Your site is not working at this moment to check if it’s the same issue. Worked after a couple of retries, but I don’t see the forums.

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