Sharing main page on Facebook /Twitter

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  • #37211
    willy Ibanez

    Hi, I’m development a simple webpage no blog, no nothing ๐Ÿ™‚ I love Mantra theme and I’ve donate my little contribution ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I see there are the social buttons but I don’t know what to fill in to get the page goes to be shared on the personal facebook/ twitter page of whoever watch my page. The mantra tip suggests to put MY facebook/twitter path to bring the surfer direcly to my FB page but I don’t want this functionality.

    Is possible to use this social button to share my website content on Facebook visitors wall?

    Thank you a lot for help

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme’s social icons are intended to let you link to your social profiles/pages.

    To include social sharing buttons (that let you share your website/pages to social networks) you can use plugins – WordPress repository themes are not even allowed to include such functionality.

    To control what social engines see on your homepage (so they don’t randomly grab content), use a SEO plugin that is capable of controlling homepage metas (for example, Yoast).

    If you like our creations, help us share by rating them on
    Please check the available documentation and search the forums before starting a topic.
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