Youtube video too big…covering up sidebar

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  • #21081
    Rachel Cox


    I just started using the Mantra Theme, and love it great job!! The only issue I am having that I cannot figure out how to fix, is my youtube video is so large that it covers up my sidebar. Now I had a friend test it on his screen and he had same issue, had another friend try it and he said there was no problem. We even tried on different browswers. My friend and I who are having the problem both have 13 inch laptop monitors, my friend who said it looked fine has a 17 inch monitor. Is there any way to make the video fit the content area and not spill over into the sidebar content on smaller monitors such as mine?

    Thanks for the help.

    David B

    Sounds like you have a couple of issues going on, Rachel.
    The theme is designed to reflow content into the space provided. If your theme columns are set wider than you can see them on your small screen, they’ll adjust to how you see them. You won’t see your site how many of your viewers will. But when you insert (embed) video, it will default to the width of the columns you’ve set in your theme. Thus, too wide for you. Embedded video has a setting for display size.

    You can set your columns more narrowly so the video defaults the way you like. Or you can use a video embedding tool that gives you window size control. The TinyMCE Advanced plugin for example, gives you a bunch of new buttons for your post editing screen. One is a proper video embed tool. You can drag the corner of the video size window to your preferred size.

    I’ve also come to add a direct link to the video under the embed so people with small screens like cell phones can view it more suitably.

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