Theme problems: PLEASE HELP!!!

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  • #14492

    Hello, so I am having several problems with the Mantra theme. I will list them, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

    1. Recent posts widget lists my most recent post, but when you click it, it says page not found.

    2. Under the comments box on my pages it says this: You may use these HTML tags and attributes: “<abbr title=””> <acronym title=””> <b>

    <cite> <i> <q cite=””> <strike>”
    I cannot figure out how to get rid of this

    3. My presentation page columns are squishing the images I used for them.

    4. When I open up the website on a cell phone, it squishes the header and makes it unreadable.

    5. Ive heard that I need to make a child theme for this. Is it too late now that I’ve already made several changes? Is there a writeup on how to do this?

    I know its a lot, but I really appreciate the help.. Thanks guys


    Ok so im not getting a lot of feedback here, but either way, I solved the HTML tags problem.

    All I hve to do now is figure out why my comments box disappeared on my blog page, figure out why my recent posts widget cannot find my blog, and figure out why my webpage looks so different on a mobile phone. If anyone could PLEASE help I would really appreciate it.

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