responsive images

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  • #5966

    Not sure if this is a bug, probably me not doing something obvious – in one of my pages I have a table with some images and text – when I change the size of my window these images and my header image are rescaled. However I have another page with the following:

    Lotus footThis is then followed by all of my text for the paragraph that wraps around it…….

    This image also has a class attribute that = “alignright size-full wp-image-74”
    When I resize my window again the header image rescales but this image does not. Is there something I should be doing to make this happen? Many thanks for any help.


    Not looking good here I can’t even post a question that shows my own code, the bit that says lotus foot is where my img tag appears with the src, alt, width, height and class attributes specified. The class aligns it right and then my text just flows around it. I have not put either the image or text into any additional div tags.

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Use the “Visual” mode of the editor to paste code, otherwise it will be processed by the forum and not get displayed properly.

    A screenshot would be even better.

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