"Post Images Border" settings doesn't work.

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  • #13705


    I can’t get the changes I do in the “GRAPHICS SETTINGS – Post Images Border” settings to show.
    There is no error, just that the changes I make doesn’t show up.
    The setting I chose is still there when I go into settings again. But the fram around the picture in the actual blogg is always the same.

    All other settings I tried seems to work well (e.g. Caption Pin).

    I run WordPress 3.7.1 and Mantra 2.2.2.


    Hi…just wondering if the developer of this theme still offers and supports their premium support?

    I’ve been trying to contact them for a couple weeks but with no response. I need some help and I’m willing to buy more coffee 😉



    Version 2.3.0 of Mantra solved the problem above.

    But, a new bug occured. If you have a smiley in the Image Caption, it now becomes as big as the image itself!

    And I mean smiley with the auto conversion to graphic switched on.
    E.g. 🙂


    I might have spoken too soon. It seems like I was able to change “GRAPHICS SETTINGS – Post Images Border” ONCE. But when I try to change again, to a different look, it doesn’t stick (like original bug).

    The “smiley-on-caption bug” is also still there.



    Oh, hai, it’s me again!

    After closer inspection, I dont think I was able to change the settings even once. I think that the Mantra theme was changed, so it just looked that way.

    Please fix, both the settings not showing up, and the smiley getting HUGE (as described above).


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Post Image Border option does not affect images with captions. That one has its own (fixed) designs controlled by the Caption Border option below. And the caption borders were indeed changed a bit in the 2.3.0 update (this is what you saw different).

    We’re looking into the huge smileys 🙂

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    Aha, ok. I did not know that. Could have been lost in translation as well, as English it not my native language. Thank you for your answer!

    Meanwhile, I got the look I was after by deep diving into the style.css.



    I would like to strongly suggest that in the past (before recent updates) that the borders could be changes even when there were captions for the images.

    If I am wrong then the new borders that you have introduced with captions are not at all pleasing to the eye!!!

    And I certainly am not fond of the new gallery layout and the use of captions as an overlay.

    see blog post here (http://blog.picsaustralia.net/wp/?p=2140) for example.

    Duffy Bear

    I really miss the Graphics Settings! Please, can you restore the original Posts Images Borders?

    I’d really appreciate it!

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The image border options did not change. They’re the same and they look the same as they have always been.
    The thing that changed recently is the captioned image border look (which was always different than the image borders).

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