lien sociaux

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  • #20961

    Je viens de faire la mise à jour du thème Mantra.
    Mais les boutons pour les réseaux sociaux sont tout le temps actif pour le haut et le bas de page!
    Même si l’on désactive et enregistre il reste tout le temps.

    Merci de corriger cela pour la prochaine mise à jour.


    I have the same problem – social media settings have gone gaga as have the menu links. They pull up pages but there’s nothing in them. Please fix this ASAP.


    Well most plugens donot work with it Google maps will not show. FAQ will not work.
    meda gallerys will not work. PLEASE FIX ASAP LOVE THE THEM (When it works) I know the last time it did this you had it fixed with in a day.

    Suggestion when you do the fix add in a way to role back to the prevues version (SO bugs do not kill the site that is using it)
    I will let my site remain broken for 10 hours to give you time to look and see what It did

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