Left hand sidebar problems w/header and scroll

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  • #11883


    No idea what’s causing this. I’ve got other sites using the same theme and yet no problem over there.

    Problems: I’ve got my sidebar set to show up on the left hand side and the header backgrounds aren’t reaching the edge. Also, I’ve now got this scroll bar on the bottom of that sidebar as if there weren’t enough room.

    YET, there’s no problem when I set the sidebar to the right hand side.
    Mind you, I’ve adjusted the layout to make more than enough room for the sidebar but still no fix.

    Any ideas?


    Please forgive me. Figured out what it was. DOH!

    Eventually noticed that it worked okay when I turned back to the original Mantra theme instead of the Mantra Child Theme.

    Turned out I had some crazy bullet styles in the style.css of the Child theme which I’d forgotten all about.

    All is good now.

    Thanks anyhow. 😉

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