favicon does not display

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  • #7455

    Hello all and thanks once again for the great theme, its really awesome!

    I can’t seem to get the favicon feature to work. I’ve tried specifying it in: Appearance > Mantra settings > Header setting > Favicon Upload as well as hard coding it into the header.php file, no dice.

    I have verified valid addresses of my favicon files:
    (thru mantra settings)

    (hardcoded into header)

    I’ve tried using .ico and/or .png format files, as recommended in the “?” help box.

    Furthermore, when I view the source code I can see the tags in there that should cause the favicon to display… so I’m kind of at a loss for why they wont show up. I saw some other help topics for this issue but they had no answers or did not seem to apply to my particular issue.

    Any help you can offer is appreciated.



    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Browsers don’t refresh the favicon instantly.

    I see your favicon just fine (a styled “SK”), so the favicon works fine.

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