Conflict with Jetpack

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  • #8349

    Thanks for a splendid theme! I’m quite a beginner though so I need some support.

    I have installed Jetpack since I think it has great features. But after activating it, the Mantra Settings Links aren’t working. I can see them (Layout Settings, Header Settings and so on), but the small link arrows to the left are gone and the titles not clickable.

    I understand if this is something I need to ask Jetpack instead, just wanted to make sure that I haven’t missed anything and check with you if it’s a known issue. I have only two other plugins activated so far; Under Construction and Widgets Controller.


    I have Mantra running with Jetpack and a number of other plugins. I am not seeing a similar problem. You may want to disable the other plugins and see if you don’t have the problem. Also, are you running the latest WordPress release, 3.5.2?

    Hope that may help find the problem.



    Hi again and thanks for your answer. I figured out that almost all of the options in Jetpack was activated so I deactivated them and then the problem disappeared.

    I don’t know which one caused the problem but I guess I will find out when I start to pick out the ones I really want to use. If I find out, I’ll be back in this thread.


    But the questions is, how can i install the Jetpack plugin without the conflict with Parabola. I have the same. Once i install Jetpack then im unable to adjust any settings of Parabola.

    I hope to find an answer.

    thanks all!

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