Can I hide the left sidebar on posts?

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  • #67259

    I am using the kahuna layout with both left and right sidebars.
    Is there a way to hide the left sidebar on my posts so when they open in full the content looks wider on the screen with just the post content and right sidebar showing?

    Alternatively, I can remove the left sidebar. My main page shows blog posts and I would like to reduce the width of the post summaries as they look very wide and stretched (without the left sidebar there), so is there a way to do that? Or perhaps change the design which moves the photo so it doesn’t appear at the top of the post summary but appears to the left of the writing instead?


    Cryout Creations mastermind

    In Kahuna, the general layout applies to all site sections, EXCEPT individual pages which have a distinct layout set on them.
    In Kahuna Plus, individual posts can have a distinct layout applied as well.

    Moving the layout of the theme is not something that can be done through the available options (or even with just custom styling).

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