Multiple h1 on pages are bad for SEO

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  • #63735

    If you enable header titles for Posts or Pages etc. you get multiple h1 on the pages. The second h1 gets hidden by css statement display:none. This works for users but not for SEO. Both h1 (which are the same) are used by google which has a bad effect on SEO.

    Instead of hiding the second h1 by CSS I would recommend to only place the title if the function kahuna_header_title_check() is false:

    <?php if ( !kahuna_header_title_check() ) {
    the_title(‘<h1 class=”entry-title singular-title” ‘ . cryout_schema_microdata(‘entry-title’, 0) . ‘>’, ‘</h1>’);
    } ?>

    Cryout Creations mastermind

    This will be fixed in the next theme update.

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