Customize Links in Featured Icon Block

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  • #43542


    Fluida is amazing, thanks for creating it! I would like to know if there is a way to customize the links in the featured icon blocks. I need all three icons to link to basically the same page (don’t ask), but I also need the corresponding headings and excerpts to be individual. Is there a way to incorporate functioning anchor tags into the headings or the excerpt text? I incorporate anchor tags into the text, but it is not clickable so my links don’t work. Is there a way to maybe edit the headings and excerpts independent of their destination content? I hope that makes sense….

    Thanks in advance for ANYTHING!!



    Cryout Creations mastermind

    This is not possible with the existing theme functionality. The icon blocks will only link to the source pages (if enabled).

    Theoretically, it should be possible to make the icon blocks link to different targets using JavaScript.

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