Roseta 1.2.0 gets ready to party


  • Renamed landing page ‘static image’ element to ‘banner image’ for clarity
  • Fixed block editor font sizes using the incorrect ‘regular’ slug
  • Fixed absolute next/previous post nav not working
  • Fixed “Inherit General Font” option not working as expected
  • Fixed team members photos having a weird aspect ratio after Team Members plugin update
  • Fixed text indent option adding indentation to icons (including shortcodes)
  • Redesigned H5 / H6 headings appearance
  • Fixed header image being included on homepage even when not active and visible
  • Improved main navigation fallback markup
  • Cleaned up and optimized frontend scripts, including for WordPress 5.5/5.6 jQuery updates
  • Removed all padding/margins from before/after content and top/bottom inner widget areas
  • Fixed search form overlapping mobile menu elements with small general font sizes
  • Improved comment placeholder/label option functionality
  • Extended posts animation option to apply to landing page animations as well
  • Fixed header titles vertical misalignment on landing page with specific configurations
  • Improved support for menu customizations plugins
  • Fixed left sidebar navigation not being displayed when there are no widgets assigned
  • Fixed preloader feature sometimes failing with WordPress 5.6
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Added echo parameters to cryout_schema_microdata() and cryout_font_select() functions
    • Improved breadcrumbs compatibility with plugins that filter section titles and add HTML markup
    • Improved JS code to remove jQuery deprecation notices since WordPress 5.6
    • Changed custom post type label in breadcrumbs from singular_name to name
    • Better cleaning of weights in font enqueues
    • Fixed multi-font choices failing to apply correctly
    • Added the ability to inherit the general font on all other font control options
    • Fixed color selector malfunction since WordPress 5.3
    • Fixed Select2 selectors no longer working with WordPress 5.6 on Firefox
    • Removed PHP and WP versions checks as these are now handled by WordPress
    • Additional sanitization and even more sanitization changes to comply with current requirements
Roseta is a fast, clean and highly customizable multi-purpose WordPress theme that features both style and substance. For more info check out the theme's page.