The new PARABOLA theme is out now!

Parabola Screenshot


You probably haven’t been waiting for it that much but nevertheless here it is. The newest Cryout Creations theme is finally available for download. We’ve tested it as much as we could but it’s still practically a beta until you guys get a go with it.

Parabola is pretty much a Mantra offspring (and that can only be a good thing, right?) and quite a few things have changed (to be read ‘improved’). We went for a more mathematical design – thus the name of the theme – and changed the settings page quite a bit. But don’t worry, not only are all your favorite options still there, we actually added a lot more.

The biggest change comes with the color options. Now there are over 40 color options that we hope will fix all your customization needs. We’ve added more font options and 10 more font families to choose from. You also have a few more options for the social icons and the whole header section that in the meanwhile has been implemented into Mantra as well.

We’ll let the theme do the rest of the talking for us so feel free to take it for a spin. The theme is just as free as Mantra is and the support will be the same (the forum section for it has been live for a while now). We’re looking forward to getting feedback from you guys, especially about the new color options.

As it is currently pending review for inclusion in the WordPress theme repository, Parabola is not yet available for automatic installation. But you can follow our installation tutorial to get it live on your website. Have fun with it!

Update July 8th: Parabola updated to version 0.9.3.

Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. i am still having a problem with adding information on the right side of the header bar. At this point I decided to add the telephone number at the end of the firm name line (Goncalves Law Office). So the left side is complete with my firm name and telephone number on the same line. Temporarily, it will do, but it does not look very professional. I am accustomed to having my firm telephone number and some further firm descriptive information immediately on the right side of the header area.

    I would not describe myself as being any more than a novice when it comes to coding, so it will be appreciated if your solution is uncomplicated.

    Thank you.

  2. Thanks for a great looking theme. If you don’t mind, I’m going to work with it a bit first. I have a LOT of wordpress themes, premium and free, and the ones I like the most I can never get to do what they are supposed to do. I’ll let you know how parabola works for me.

  3. This theme is the best free theme one on the market. I love parabola panel. Thank you for creating it. I had made 2 little websites projects on it. I realy wish to buy you coffe:) Can some one tell me how can I off comments wondow on my website? Sorry but I’m just silly graphic designer girl.

  4. Hello!

    I love the way this theme looks, but I would really like BLOG POSTS to show up on the presentation page the way the PAGES do. Is there anyway to do that? That was honestly the reason I picked this theme; I thought the “pages” were blog posts.


  5. Hi, I’ve just installed this theme for my website and I’m having serious problems viewng widgets, plugins (League Manager) and embed links (Challonge) on my pages on mobile devices (works fine on laptop or PC)… the layout on the home page is perfect, but without being able to view the other content on a mobile device I’m afraid the theme is worthless… please help.

  6. Hello, when ever I install the theme and try to use a child theme it really doesn’t work. The theme is all to one side and doesn’t look as it should. Any ideas? Maybe I need to import more than just style.css?

    1. Hi Dennis!

      This isn’t Zed but I hope it’s the next best thing.

      We’ll be adding a menu alignment option really soon but until then add this to the Custom CSS area:

      #access ul li {float:right;}

  7. Hi, this theme must be the greatest news since WP arrived!
    There dont seem to be any limitations so far…
    besided that I cannot hide the “Powered by” on the bottom of the pages, although I ticked “Hide the footer (copyright)”
    How do I do that?

    1. “Hide the footer” option does something else – it hides the whole footer area on the presentation page.
      There’s no option to remove the Powered by line; see questions A1 to A4 in the FAQs

  8. Is it possible to move the text area above the 3 column of photos? When viewing with a phone, all you get is image after image before getting to any written content down below in a static page.

    Cool theme by the way, I especially like the default graphics you used.

  9. I absolutely love this theme. Thank you very much for such excellent work. I can’t believe it’s free. There is so much thought and creativity gone into it that it’s like a premium theme but free.
    Once again A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU

  10. I am very new to wordpress and this is my very first theme, I must say it is amazing. Still trying to familiarise with the customizing. Few questions though,

    How do I go about changing background of the header/menu?
    And is there a way for me to include plain text instead of picture on the presentation page in 3 columns below?

  11. Hi Zed, I want translate parabola in Italian language, but with poedit 1.5.7 i can’t open the file… Some error. I try to open it with poedit 1.5.5 because i see that you have create the file with this version, but i can’t open too.
    Can you Chek the language file for poedit is ok ?
    Thank you soo much.

  12. After last update ( ), Parabola crushed. It disappeared from the themes list, and WP (3.6) told me “index” file was missing. The only way to solve it was deleting parabola folder via FTP client (in my case, FileZilla), and uploading the whole theme again ( version) with FileZilla too, “manually”. It worked. I hope you guys may solve this soon, or notify WordPress of the issue is on their end. Great theme, though! Terrific, to be honest 😉

  13. Mantra has worked flawless for my business website for the past few months. Question is, If I upgrade to this new theme, what all will I have to reconfigure? Like widgets, and all the “mantra settings”? Will it be like starting all over again? I have never changed out themes before but always a first time for everything! Thanks for all the hard work guys @cryoutcreations

    1. Mantra and Parabola, although sharing the same structure and administration backend, are two different themes, all variable names are different and there’s no way to transfer settings from one to another.
      If you decide to switch themes, you’ll need to re-do all the settings and work you did the first time with Mantra.
      The widgets associations with sidebars is the only thing that will not change, but do to how the sidebars are handled differently in Mantra and Parabola, your widget may appear in the wrong sidebar.

    1. There’s no way to transfer these over, but if you can install them both at the same time on separate websites/folders, you can copy/paste most settings from one to the other as 90% of the options are the same.

      1. Are you integrating Google fonts or your own custom font files? Different procedures apply for the different methods.

        If your CSS declarations are overwritten by Parabola, try adding “!important” to your font rules.

  14. great I like it! though I don’t know how to change all the titles are now in capital even though I changed the font. Also I would like the header area to have the same background as below. thanks!

    1. ok I found the css to disable the text-transform and to keep the same background on the header I just remove the colors in the settings, great 🙂 Now I am looking for a way to center the menu….

  15. Oh! Decisions…

    I love the new theme – it looks great!


    Mantra has some features I like that Parabola doesn’t have that I really like, and Parabola does some things I like that Mantra doesn’t do.

    What’s a girl to do! 😉

  16. Absolutely awesome theme!!! If my client likes the layout i’m surely buying/donating to your team for this wonderful creation for WordPressers everywhere 🙂

    Only thing I see right up from (1st few mins) – My client doesn’t have any Social sites *Crazy I know” Amish lol … but the top icons won’t remove for me, the right and bottoms ones do.

    Thanks CryoutCreations!

  17. The very best workmen ship on this theme I have been using your Mantra theme for some time and your new theme Just put a smile on my face .I have been trying to create an old Newspaper look and have tried many many themes .YOURS IS THE BEST BY FAR Thank you with much graduated .

  18. Fantastic theme! (Sorry for my poor English)

    I inserted Google Analytics’ JavaScript to the Custom JavaScript of Miscellaneous Settings.

    But it doesn’t work property.

    To make it clearly, I saw the source of my blog. The source was
    So, I directly put my Google Analytics Code to the headers.php to work correctly.

    I hope it will be fixed!

  19. Nice Theme
    I am testing it for now in a localhost environment and encounter a problem with the presentation page!

    When a static homepage and the post page are defined my presentation page does not show up!

    Having the same configuration with your mantra theme works fine

    1. Apparently, that’s standard WordPress behaviour.
      When the page set as a homepage has a page template set. it gets prioritized over the presentation page (which is ignored).
      This also happens in Mantra if you select one of Mantra’s page templates.

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