Parabola 112 is no emergency

Nothing is burning, nothing blew up, no zombie invasion, no reason to call 112.
The latest Parabola update drops in to solve the last outstanding issue “featured” in the 1.1.0 release and add three new options.

And the changelog with specifics:

  • fixed presentation page not appearing when frontpage is set to a static page
  • added menu items alignment option (center align is only possible with one-line menus)
  • added top menu background colour option
  • added accented triangles removal option
  • woocommerce compatibility for hide category titles option
Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. I’m an Sys Admin at a community college in Missouri and have a student with an issue. He is using Parabola on both his WP site on the college server as well as one hosted with GoDaddy. On the College site, whenever you click select/upload image> Media Library > click show on the desired image > click “use this image”, it doesn’t put the url for the image into the field you are trying to get the image into. On the GoDaddy page, this works fine. Any ideas as to why this would work in one place and not the other?

    1. Great, your comment is lacking any kind of useful information. Fantastic reporting.
      Next time try to provide at least a link, or mention the version you updated from.
      As far as I can guess, you are using the blog page template and need to update that page to use the new (changed in v1.1.0) template.

  2. Sorry about the earlier post that there was no template chooser in edit post, I realised that is available only for pages.
    What I found changed was that my posts used to show up with an excerpt but now only the post tittle is showing up.
    How do I get the excerpt of the post to show up with “continue reading” button?

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