Parabola 1.1.1(.1) flexes with glasses

We like ones so much we made three more Parabolas 1.1… We actually don’t like them so much, we kind of had to…

Parabola 1.1.1 got herself some glasses and now no longer sees the sidebar widgets double. But that version was too stiff for the real world. So Parabola came along to “flexibilize” things, making the theme responsive again.

PS: For the record, Parabola fixes the outstanding issues with double widgets in the sidebar and lack of responsiveness introduced in 1.1.

The third non-critical issue of the presentation page vanishing when Front page displays under Reading Settings is set to anything else but Your latest posts will be fixed in the next normal update. In the meantime this can be easily circumvented by setting that option to the Your latest posts value and updating the menu in case the Home item points to the wrong page instead of the special Home : Home target.

Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hey guys!

    Thanks again for fixing those issues. I’m looking forward to the next update, as it will fix the slider issue (or, as you called it, “the third non-critical issue” 🙂 )

    I JUST NOTICED ANOTHER ISSUE: When you add an image to the presentation page columns by URL, and not by uploading it, it just doesn’t display 🙁

    I thought you needed to know.


  2. Don’t know if this had anything to do with the update, but I recently exported the Parabola settings from a site on a test server to import them in the same site in the production server, and… well… nothing happened, I did it all manually ^^

    If needed, I can provide the “faulty” export.

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