Parabola and the quick fix

Are you in need of a fix? Well you’ve come to the right place. We just happen to have a quick one. The Parabola version we previously released came really close to perfection. But since something perfect never has something like version next to it, you were probably expecting this. So here’s the even closer to perfection version of Parabola and its really small changelog:

  • Fixed the layout slider in the admin settings
  • Adjusted header logo for mobile view
  • Some small admin layout changes

This may not look like much probably because it’s actually not much. But next version we’ll improve the mobile view (especially for iThings), we’ll improve the mobile navigation, perfect the menu and even add a customizable shadow to it. Also, hold on for version 1.0 that will add… wait for it… wait for it… color schemes. I know!

Parabola is a light, sharp and seriously configurable free WordPress theme by Cryout Creations. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hi, I have one of those header image problems, on the previous version. the header image got all compacted when I opened it in my iphone, so I used a logo image as site title and it fixed it. now it looks all compacted too. Thank you all guys for all that effort you put on this theme. I would appreciate if somebody could help with this.
    my website is

    thank you.

  2. Looks great, I’ve switched my site theme over to it, there’s just a few questions I have, how would I go about centering the main navigation menu?? It’s aligned to the left, I’ve set everything else to be centered. I tried finding it in the coding and stylesheet, but to no avail after trying a few tweaks. Also, I’ve enabled the presentation page after creating a new page titled “Blog” to place my blogs on instead of the homepage, but the presentation features still don’t show on my home page, only the blog excerpts would I fix this?? Thanks, by the way, thank you so much for all the flexibility and options you guys allow on this theme! Awesome, if I had spare money laying around I’d donate the $25, give it time.

    1. To center the menu add this to the Custom CSS area:

      #access ul {
      margin:0 auto;

      As for the presentation page not showing up, check that you don’t have anything selected under Settings >> Reading >> Front Page displays. And also make sure the Presentation Page is enabled from the theme settings.

      1. Thanks so much Kay, it all worked out thanks alot. Both issues are solved now. Just one last question: Would there happen to be a specific css code for sliding left or right page transitions? The header and top menu will remain the exact same for all blogs/pages, but kind of wanting the slide effect for transitioning from one page to the next. Thanks again! Awesome theme

  3. I LOVE this theme. Easy to install/configure/etc.
    Only got it yesterday and already I’ve done the basic look and feel 😉
    Feel free to check it out…
    Still working out the niggles (links, categories, plugins for galleries etc) but the overall idea has been crafted super quick!

    Thanks for a wicked theme guys! 😉

  4. I found something strange in the footer. When I installed contact form 7, there is bottom margin in the footer. so the footer area is not in the baseline. Any idea to fix this? trough css maybe?

    1. Since you did not give a link I can only guess this, but perhaps the page you added the contact form on is not tall enough (doesn’t have enough content) to fill the monitor/window height so the footer ends up somewhere upper on the screen.

  5. Logo looks better on iPhone, but not good.
    It does not push the logo down behind the menu anymore, which is great!
    But, it stretches it side-wise so it get distorted…which is not so good.
    (If I tilt the phone to landscape view the logo get stretched even more…)

  6. I don’t know if you project to do that but an infinite scroll instead of the number of pages would be cool (or a single button : you click on this and bam! 5 more posts appears immediatly). The infinite scroll of Jetpack doesn’t work with parabola and it’s hard to find the good datas for making work the plugin “infinite scroll”.
    I cross my fingers…

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