Nirvana 1.5.2


  • Added shortcodes support in custom footer text
  • Added support for WordPress 5.2 wp_body_open() hook
  • Extended content image border option to apply to Gutenberg inserted images
  • Fixed featured images getting cropped due to overflowing their container in some cases
  • Fixed comments text using fixed line-height value
Nirvana is a seriously configurable and responsive WordPress theme, with both wide and boxed layouts. For more info check out the theme's page.

One Comment

  1. With the Nirvana update 1.5.2, I think the shortcodes in footer do not work properly because in my case the inline structured data (itemprop) and the embeded google maps (iframe) are not included / reflected in the source code, before the update it was working.

    I appreciate any comments / suggestions

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