Nirvana 1.2.5 has another déjà-vu

Yes, you are seeing right – two Nirvana updates in (about) two weeks – such a quick release cycle hasn’t happened in a while.

This must be due to the warmth helping code move around and settle itself faster (as it’s almost summer for us here in the northern hemisphere).


  • Added ‘footer-widgets’ theme tag
  • Removed unused third parameter $post_image_id from nirvana_thumbnail_link()
  • Removed hidden leftover meta separator
  • Removed unused CSS related to fonts section
  • Fixed magazine layout option overlapping presentation page posts per columns option
  • Added site title value to as header logo alt/title attributes
  • Improved meta bar styling conditionality
  • Fixed topbar overlapped by admin bar when static; converted custom styling to rely on body classes; disabled fixed position on <600px (like the WP admin bar)
  • Fixed top menu search box missing some styling since 1.2.4
  • Removed box shadow on submit/reset inputs
  • Improved forms padding and form elements font sizing
Nirvana is a seriously configurable and responsive WordPress theme, with both wide and boxed layouts. For more info check out the theme's page.

One Comment

  1. Hi Zed, hope you are well. Please can you help out. Am new to wordpress and nirvana and am having a problem with my content spacing on new pages i have created. I am using the site origin page builder widget with siteorigin editor but cannot adjust the spacing between my widgets, meta slider and the title of my content. There is too much space in between each widget and the title of my next paragraph, is there any way of adjusting the character spacing?



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