Mantra 2.3.2 is retracing its steps

Mantra had second thoughts and decided to redo two of the changes it has already done, but in a different way. Additionally, it fixed some responsiveness issues and got half ready for WordPress 3.8.

Complete changelog:

  • re-redesigned captions (added left/right padding back)
  • corrected (enlarged) social icons sizes in sidebars
  • corrected presentation page columns responsiveness on larger mobile devices
  • fixed incorrect pagination on custom category pages
  • fixed custom css style output missing proper HTML tag
  • fixed presentation page styling being displayed after the mobile style, breaking the layout
  • fixed XSS vulnerability in frontend.js
  • (almost) ready for WordPress 3.8
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Mantra seems great. I have decided to work with it.
    I am new at wordpress so I downloaded the 3,8 issue !

    What is your schedule for the complying Mantra ?

  2. Just started using the Mantra Theme, and really loving the flexibility, just one thing extra I would like to have if possible, and that is the option for more slides. I needed to show 6 images, and it only supports 5. If the option was increased to maybe 10, that would give people a chance to put more on if they needed to. But otherwise great theme, keep up the good work

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