Mantra 2.2.2 loves twos

And since good things come in pairs, today both our Parabola and Mantra updates got published (almost at the same time) by WordPress.

The triple-two release of Mantra is a maintenance update providing fixes for issues discovered since the last release.


  • fixed mobile menu items are reversed on right align menus (because the right align menu items needed to be arranged reversed); you’ll need to re-order your menu items if using right align after this update
  • fixed new shortcodes still closed with the old shortcodes mantra tag
  • fixed stray “1” in the secondary sidebar
  • fixed presentation page column images wrong aspect ration on some Android devices (and hopefully did not break anything for iDevices)
  • fixed notices related to empty Google fonts fields in sanitize.php under PHP 5.4
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


  1. Hey Zed,
    I really appreciate all the work that has gone into and is still going on with Mantra. Lovin’ it!
    Quick question for you, I am using the presentation page with “extra text” using both the “top title” and “second title”. This is giving me 2 “H1 tags” (as does this page) which is not great for SEO.
    Is it poss to make the Second title H2???

    Many thanks

  2. I like Mantra and just built my online magazine around it:
    I like tremendously!
    If I had a wishlist, it would to allow more columns (maybe 8 total?) and to have the ability to customize further the navigation bar. I would love to have it match my websites.

    This is a very easy Theme to use and the first place I would come to look at themes for future sites. Thank you!

  3. I recently updated to the latest Mantra version – all is working fine, presentation page fine, etc.

    However if the presentation page is disabled, I can get to the blog simply with domain/wordpress.

    If the presentation is enabled, then domain/wordpress gets to the presentation page, but I cannot get to the blog page. I tried domain/wordpress/blog, but it did not work.

    Thanks for any help.

    1. This is documented in the FAQs:
      C17. What if I want to use both the presentation page and the blog page?

      If you’ve enabled the presentation page and also want to create a blog page (like the default WordPress homepage), create a new page and choose “Blog Template” as the page template. Then add a link to that page in your menu(s) (if it isn’t created automatically).

    1. You have javascript errors on your site, one being caused by the fact that you’re loading a very old jquery version:
      <h3 class="widget-title">Questions?</h3>
      <div class="textwidget"><!--If you already have jquery on the page you don't need to insert this script tag-->
      <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

      the other one being
      ReferenceError: TWTR is not defined
      <script src=""></script>
      <script>new TWTR.Widget({ ...

  4. Last Parabola update broke the home page. It used to be a static home page with another one for posts, but after last update home page became blank. I set home page to be “posts page”, and now it is showing the slider and looks normal… but it doesn’t show the post on the homepage neither on the former “Posts page”

    1. Depends on the version you updated from. A little while back we changed the template files location in Parabola (which makes all pages using templates to fail). Make sure your posts page is using the (current) Blog template.

      Since you updated and it’s not a fresh install, the blogs are not displayed on the presentation page (as it was in the previous versions). You can enable them from the presentation page settings section.

      If you want a static page instead of the presentation page, disable the presentation page and set a static page under Settings > Reading.

      1. Hi Zed,
        I am getting the same thing here with one of my client’s sites. Everything is working fine, but whenever I click on the Themes link, I get thrown to the Login page even though I am (obviously!) already logged in. WP and all themes and plugins are always kept up to date.

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