Mantra 2.2.1 took the scenic route

You might have thought we were goners after such a long pause in new posts… but we did not go quietly into the night… we did not vanish without a fight (*)… we’ve fought the cold and now we’re back!

Between fighting viruses and running noses, we actually found some time to update both Mantra and Parabola (who’s update failed to pass due to a misunderstanding with the WordPress theme review team) and also prepare a surprise to all creation lovers out there.

Mantra 2.1.1 changelog:

  • added multi-column shortcode responsiveness
  • added empty sidebar(s) notice(s)
  • added [cryout-…] shortcodes (and we are deprecating the [mantra-…] ones, which we’ll eventually remove) to prepare the switch to the upcoming shortcodes plugin
  • fixed category page with intro template ignores the <more> tag
  • fixed object/iframe enlarging issues
  • fixed presentation page posts to use the correct excerpt length (reported by Edward & MrAwesome)
  • fixed incorrect featured images size on presentation page posts (reported by Deby & Scott)
  • theme auto featured images now adhere to the set featured image size
Mantra is a clean, highly configurable and totally free WordPress theme. For more info check out the theme's page.


    1. Mr. Kay is responsible for the design, I only deal with coding and support 🙂
      On mobile devices, the presentation page columns are re-arranged depending on the screen size, first to 2 columns per row then to a single column per row, so that the content is still readable and the images are not distorted.

  1. Hi Zed, I installed today your wonderful mantra theme: I love it!
    Only one little problem: I’m using the two sidebar look, one left and one right.
    I’ve filled both third and fourth widget areas.
    On top of third one (secondary sidebar on the right) is shown a “1” that seems to result from code …but I’m not a developer unfortunately
    Please take a look at as a sample of it.
    thank you very much for your work and your answer 😉

    1. I am using the new version. I have a two column layout. All but one of my pages on my site render correctly. The sidebar loads under my content vs the sidebar. I have tried everything, including css and still can’t move to the right of the content. I have to delay my launch date until a fix is found. Please help.

    1. Each theme has its individual look and Mantra’s comment layout is part of it’s identity. There’s no point in making different themes if they all look alike.
      We might add the left/right socials but a tad further into the future…

      1. OK, I understand but the layout and style of comments in mantra looks pretty old… but ok, it is up to you 😉

        I would like to use Parabola theme but it doesnt support special characters (specially centra and east europe fonts) and I dont wanna search for another font which fits for parabola

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