Esotera 1.2.3/.4



  • Added configuration hint for header image when the theme’s slider / banner image is active on the homepage
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Expanded hint control styling to apply in the Site Identity panel


  • Really fixed mobile menu search creating an extra focusable item


  • Removed lazy loading functionality from featured images as it sometimes interferes with image sizes
  • Fixed leftover border on main navigation
  • Fixed mobile menu and sticky top bar z-index issues
  • Fixed mobile menu search creating an extra focusable item
  • Fixed breadcrumbs on one-column layouts on mobile
  • Fixed breadcrumbs padding on mobile
  • Fixed search widgets in footer
  • Fixed author section border on single pages on resolutions between 800px and 1024px
  • Fixed multiple RTL issues
  • Added click-navigation to target panels in header content and site identity hints
  • Changed preloader failsafe auto hide time
  • Changed banner caption title animation option to toggle control and renamed/relocated for clarity
Esotera is a colorful WordPress theme with a great set of features. For more info check out the theme's page.