Esotera 1.1.0/.1



  • Fixed extra top margin on body when no header image is used
  • Improved fixed mobile menu functionality to only execute when fixed menu option is enabled
  • Fixed mobile side menu close button not usable in some instances since 1.1.0
  • Fixed some landing page elements missing effects on older Edge releases due to :focus-within changes in 1.1.0


  • Fixed paragraphs indentation option not working
  • Fixed boxes ratio issue
  • Added esotera_header_image and esotera_header_image_url filters to allow custom control over featured images in header functionality
  • Fixed breadcrumbs missing link on home icon on WooCommerce pages
  • Added option to disable default pages navigation and improved mobile menu functionality to hide toggler when main navigation is empty
  • Fixed wp_body_open action hook support for WordPress versions older than 5.2
  • Improved main navigation usability on tables by adding the option to force the mobile menu activation
  • Fixed Gutenberg lists displaying bullets outside of content on landing page sections
  • Improved list bullets styling in landing page text areas
  • Improved dark color schemes support for HTML select elements
  • Added visibility on scroll functionality on the fixed menu on mobile devices
  • Improved mobile menu dark color schemes support by using non-link texts to use the configured menu text color
  • Updated fixed menu styling to account for WordPress admin bar responsiveness breakpoints changes
  • Improved keyboard navigation accessibility:
    • Added skip to content link
    • Added focus support for post featured images, landing page featured boxes, landing page portfolio, main navigation search form
    • Converted menu close element to button
  • Added support for future official child themes
  • Updated to Cryout Framework
    • Optimized options migration check to reduce calls
    • (Finally?) fixed ‘Too few arguments’ warning in breadcrumbs on Polylang multi-lingual sites
    • Removed news feed from theme’s about page per TRT requirements
Esotera is a colorful WordPress theme with a great set of features. For more info check out the theme's page.