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  • in reply to: Landing page overlapping on mobile #107382
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme uses Masonry (a Javascript library) to arrange the posts in lists in a brick style layout.
    If you use lazy loading (or some other loading optimizations techniques) on your site, Masonry can end up applying its layout before everything is loaded and not take the final sizes into account.

    We’ve made Masonry apply at the very end of page rendering, but some optimization plugins can interfere with this. Try temporarily disabling such optimizations to check if they’re connected to the issue or disable Masonry in the theme.

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    in reply to: Homepage excerpt bug #107381
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    I am not seeing this duplicate time right now on your site, so I assume you solved the problem in the meantime.

    The meta information displayed by the theme is configurable in the options. If you see duplicate instances of the same meta, with one of the instances not controlled by the options that separate instance might get added by plugins or custom code.

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    in reply to: Comment Reply button location #107217
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Hi David,

    The position of the individual “Reply” buttons is a design choice and in-line with the comment author and meta information.

    The markup for that button (it being part of the comments meta and header container) makes it difficult to move below the comment content. You can try the following CSS to relocate it inside the comment text container, making it more visually connected to that particular comment:

    body .comment .reply {
        top: 2.7em;
        right: 1.5em;

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    in reply to: Change caption font size #107142
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    @Desa818: are you configuring the widget font options?

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    in reply to: Telegram icon #107141
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The classes that Font Awesome uses on its icons are not present or used in the theme.

    If you’re using an entirely different font (where all glyphs have different codes), you’ll need to customize the content attribute manually to the correct code for each icon.

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    in reply to: Shortcodes on Presentation Page #107116
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Your replies were saved, but because of containing code they got flagged for manual review.

    The value of the action parameter action="https://belaviva.com/" indicates that the form will always submit to the homepage. This is the same on both embedding locations, and the search form works as intended in both cases (confirmed by the presence of the search form parameters in the URL).

    On standard pages the plugin is able to override the output and display its own content (the search results), however on the homepage it cannot do this as the theme’s own landing page feature takes precedence.

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    in reply to: Hamburger Menu not working on mobile #107112
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Direct embeds have always been a core WordPress feature: https://wordpress.org/support/article/embeds/

    If these no longer work for you, then something may be affecting or disabling this.

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    in reply to: Social Icons Not Displaying Correctly on Blog Page #107111
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The sharing buttons are not part of the theme, they are added by Jetpack. This might provide some insight into what needs adjusted in Jetpack’s configuration:


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    in reply to: Replace Hamburger Menu with Text? #107110
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Try the following CSS:

    body #nav-toggle span::before {
        content: "\e820  MENU"; /* note that there are two spaces before the "MENU" word */

    or simply

    body #nav-toggle span::before {
        content: "MENU";

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    in reply to: Kahuna Plus navigation doesn’t work properly anymore #107109
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    WordPress 5.5 made some deep changes about its bundled JavaScript libraries and objects causing many plugins break – some of them released updates to account for the changes and WordPress added backwards compatibility for some of the changes as well in the 5.5.1 update.

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    in reply to: Compatible with Elementor or Beaver Builder? #107108
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Is the theme’s option to use featured images in the header currently active?

    The theme also uses a size requirement (75%), under which it will not use the featured image in the header to avoid possible cropping and blurriness due to the large difference between required size and actual size.
    If the featured images are generally not used in the header and you’re fine with the possible side-effects, you can turn this size requirement off from the options.

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    in reply to: How to place background image in content area #107107
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Do you mean you want to apply (different) background images to the content of different pages?
    There are plugins that can do this for the site background image, however the content container is specific to each theme and plugins can’t really assume or guess which one it is.
    It is still possible to do this with custom CSS, however you need a different CSS block for each page you want to apply a (different) background image to:

    .page-id-PAGEID #content {
        background-image: url(URL-OF-THE-IMAGE-FILE);
        /* further background configuration */

    Replace PAGEID with the numeric page ID (also works for posts) you want the styling to apply to. You can find this ID in the dashboard (in the editing URLs) or on the frontend as one of the classes applied to the body element.

    You can further customize the positioning and appearance of the background image with other CSS properties:

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    in reply to: Centre Video In Text Area 1 #107106
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Try the following custom CSS:

    #front-text3 .wp-video {
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        margin-bottom: 1em; /* just is just so that it doesn't sit too close to the text below */

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    in reply to: Telegram icon #107105
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    All of the theme’s bundled fonts are included in the resources/fonts folder.
    The social font uses multiple files for legacy purposes – browsers used to each support different file formats but nowadays they’ve reached a common standard and mostly rely on the woff (and woff2) formats.

    If you plan to replace the socials font with your customized copy, I suggest loading your font under a different identifier and then to apply it on the socials instead of the theme’s font:

    body .socials a::before, body [class^="socicon-"]::before, body [class*=" socicon-"]::before {
        font-family: 'yournewfontidentifier';

    Using the same identifier can be problematic, depending on the order the fonts are enqueued.

    Don’t reorder the glyphs in the font as that would break the theme’s socials detection styling.

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    in reply to: Comments not appearing since upgrading to WordPress 5.5 #107073
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The official Mantra 3.3.0 update released this week includes the fix for the missing comments issue.
    Thank you all for suggesting corrections and for the patience.

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    in reply to: Hamburger Menu not working on mobile #106921
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    @StudioDangerboy: how are the videos embedded (which shortcode/widget/block)?

    : JS optimization shouldn’t cause issues, it’s only the CSS that needs to be applied in the correct order (and optimizations sometimes mess with the order). But that really depends on what the plugin is actually doing under the hood.

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    in reply to: Telegram icon #106920
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme uses an icon font for its social icons. Did you modify this icon font or loaded your own icon font to add the extra icon for Telegram?
    Without it, CSS is insufficient to perform such a change.

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    in reply to: Kahuna Plus navigation doesn’t work properly anymore #106919
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    If I remember correctly, we identified the issue via the support service as being caused by a JavaScript error on the frontend.

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    in reply to: Display sidebar on certain POSTS only? (not pages) #106917
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme does not implement custom layout functionality for posts – it only has this feature for pages (via page templates).

    To achieve the same result for posts you’d need to create a custom handling template (starting from the default single.php file) based on the template hierarchy and customize it to use the desired layout class and force display the desired sidebars.

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    in reply to: Blog Style Pages – No Header Image? #106916
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Does the site have a general header image set? The search page appears to indicate that it doesn’t.

    When a general header image is set, that image will be used on the blog section (this is a special section for which WordPress ignores any page attributes set on the placeholder page) and on the ‘portfolio’ section (which appears to be a standard posts archive, not a static page using Jetpack’s portfolio shortcodes).
    The featured image in the header functionality is only available for individual posts and individual static pages that display their actual content (and are not placeholders).

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    in reply to: Landing page with unwanted content #106915
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Since you changed themes in the meantime, I cannot see what section you were referring to.

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    in reply to: “Static” slider image on Presentation page #106914
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The slider transitions cannot be entirely disabled, but you can set the animation type to fade, animation time to zero to make transitions instantaneous and also set the pause time to a large number of seconds (multiplied by 1000 as the value is entered in milliseconds).
    Setting the pause time to zero makes the slider cycle continuously, which uses up CPU time.

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    in reply to: Request : Options to Featured boxes #106913
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    We did consider such an option when we created the landing page’s functionality, but decided not to include it because we didn’t have many possible configuration values for it.
    WordPress doesn’t have a popularity attribute – what criteria would be this based on? most views? (WordPress itself doesn’t log views), most comments? (comments are a separate post type).
    We did, however, include a anima_boxes_query_args filter that can be used to directly customize the WP Query as needed. Below are the existing parameters that are passed along to the query:

    	$args = apply_filters( 'anima_boxes_query_args', array(
    		'showposts' => $options['anima_lpboxcount' . $sid],
    		'cat' => cryout_localize_cat( $cat ),
    		'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
    		'lang' => cryout_localize_code()
    	), $options['anima_lpboxcat' . $sid], $sid );
            $custom_query->query( $args );

    $sid is the section’s number (1, 2 or 3 for boxes).

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    in reply to: How do i add layout options to custom post type #106912
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The theme’s meta layout options are only applied to the standard pages (in the free edition) and extended to posts and jetpack portfolio posts in the Plus edition.
    To activate the dashboard controls further, you’ll need to duplicate the respective meta functionality defined in includes/meta.php to apply to your custom post type slug. The frontend should get handled automatically as the existing code doesn’t check for post type.

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    in reply to: Change caption font size #106911
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The image block captions do not use specific styling to make them appear different.

    If you want, you can use custom CSS to customize their appearance, for example:

    .wp-block-image figcaption {
        font-style: italic;
        font-size: 0.9em;

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    in reply to: CTA buttons not showing #106910
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The butterfly slide does not appear to have CTA buttons set (if it does, check that both the links and labels are filled in in the slide options). The other two images have buttons set and they are both visible for me.

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    in reply to: How to aline a quote #106909
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Is such a quote currently visible on the site (I search for but couldn’t find any)?

    Some sections apply more specific styling that can override the one set in the editor, but for general content locations (pages/posts), the editor layout should be uses accordingly on the frontend.

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    in reply to: Dropdown menu items do not work on tablet #106908
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    Mobile devices normally get to see the mobile menu, which is touch-enabled.

    For some larger mobile devices which have enough screen resolution to display the standard menu but do not handle hover events (that the standard desktop menu uses) – we’ve added the forced mobile menu option that replaces the desktop version of the menu with the mobile one, which fully supports touch events.

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    in reply to: Landing Page -Featured Icon Blocks #106903
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The landing page is enabled, but is the specific icon blocks section also enabled?
    Sections can be individually turned off through their configuration options.

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    in reply to: Post Page Opacity #106902
    Cryout Creations mastermind

    The opacity of the featured images gradient overlay is not directly configurable. To customize it you can use the following custom CSS:

    body .post-thumbnail-container:hover .featured-image-overlay::after {
        opacity: 0.5;

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